Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do It Anyway

Just, don't give up. Fight fire with fire, as they say. It may not be productive but if someone else drew first blood, maybe it's necessary to burn the fucking thing to the ground. It's amazing how vindicating it feels to be tough when warranted. Leather skin. Why are you spending your time worrying about people who don't worry about you? When I made my objections she spend ten minutes fumbling to develop an argument and just watching her squirm and realize how absolutely foolish she sounded as the words crossed her lips was perhaps the highpoint of the week. What has existentialism taught me? It's OK to feel this way. Human beings are neither only good nor only bad. We are a beautiful mix of both. I need to let myself be bad when the situation requires. I have so far to go on the road to 500 but the liberation of having begun.


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