Just Clearing My Head


Monday, October 03, 2005

Mike's Secret Barn Last Saturday

I had never been to an invitation only party before. Kinda silly. Many of Oberlin's blow-holes were present, but the food was amazingly amazing and the band was pretty cool. I got some pretty cool shots, but I had to be tricky because we weren't allowed to use flash. I had to hide a lot and wait for people to be still. Was a good challenge.

That's Michael filling his cakehole, I've never seen such a skinny man scarf down so many french fries. Little Patrick was giving us a tour of the grounds when, from behind us, Michael's nemisis appeared. It was crazy, seriously... Michael is super tall (probably 6'5") and thin as a rail. We were turning a corner when the nemisis appeared. Same height. Same railish likeness. Cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. Glasses. Sort of goofy overall look. They just stared at each other for a moment, and they BOTH broke into the same signature goofy ass laugh at the same time. Ye gods! One Michael is more than enough.

I will post some of the pics later.


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