Just Clearing My Head


Friday, February 09, 2007

Of All The Days

He kept looking over, and I wanted to hide. I wanted to die. Take me out of this situation. Don't even let me think it.

"Look at his stupid mad face, he's so ugly."

She laughed and I laughed, and he looked over again, and I thought about the eight thousand universes that exist between what we could be and what we have chosen to be. I told myself that I only went so that I could give the girls their scholarship letters since it had to be postmarked by tomorrow. In my heart I knew why I was really standing on the varnished court floor, Friday night, hands in pockets. Another look over and the eyes dart away.

I must remember my own advice. I gave him his check on Thursday as he passed by to go into the gym and he barely even made eye contact then, my hand brushed his and a "ohthankyou" managed to escape and I thought, how dorky of a voice for one so intimidating. He came out five minutes later for the first of several drinks of water from the fountain. My own advice; so fleeting a thing when that hand is brushing against mine.

"Zeus, rain down on the land and the fields of Athens."


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