Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Slow Twitch

She said, "my fiance pointed out as Damien left in his Escalade, 'hey that weird kid you were all making fun of just left in an Escalade' and I thought 'dang! guess he did okay for himself! I couldn't afford that!'" and I felt funky inside. Is that really what people do? Size others up by which possessions they own? If you will accept me for my escalade, I want nothing to do with the thing you call friendship.

You are Jindra's pride. I was thinking of some set of words to give to her as a gift, some thing that would help her to carry through. But then I thought, what she needs she already has. Just don't give your goals to the trolls.

I thought about why I'm not going with her and my mind drifted toward the subject of compassion. I think that she and Libby and Dad are the right ones to uphold the line because for them compassion is a tool to be wielded, and with great skill. It is an instrument in their arsenal, one of many, that works as a part of a greater whole. For me it would be a liability, called upon too readily and with misguided intention. This is not something that I grieve because I know that I'll find my calling elsewhere.

Tonight my legs burned as I watched pavement become a blurry black streak beneath them, and I thought about a million different lives that I could right now be leading. I felt the muscles in the tops of my quads strain as I amped toward the end of the run with sprint intervals. You are only incapable of doing that which you believe you are incapable of doing.


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