Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This year has been the hardest year so far to lose the frigging Ohio winter weight. I need to stop buying sunchips and herdez because I fool myself into thinking that the combination is good for me and I can therefore eat a lot of it.

Tuna has decided that he will only eat his dog food if I mix fruity cheerios into it. This only started after mom watched him for a day over the weekend. I'm wondering how many other human food items she found in the pantry that she mixed into his kibble. I'm on to you mom!

Dan's brother got married over the weekend, so we went to Niagara Falls for it. The wedding was Saturday and we got there Friday night, a little before most of the rest of his family, so Dan and I were scoping out fun things to do. (His dad and brother are sticks in the mud and we were afraid to leave the planning to them.) We found this very very awesome wine bar in a very very awesome 18 floor hotel that had been decorated in the art deco style. We felt like we were in Gotham City sitting in there. The bartender told us that they had a lounge on the 18th floor with a great view of the falls that we could go up to. So, we went up, and it was breathtaking. Three sides of the room were windows, and there were leather couches wrapping around a sprawling marble floor. There was a big screen tv mounted on the wall that wasn't made of windows, a wet bar next to it, and there was absolutely no one up there. The bartender had also told us that we could order whatever we wanted from the hotel kitchen and have it sent up there. Dan immediately called his brother to suggest that everyone get together up there, but we couldn't even get anyone to meet us at the wine bar. Where did we end up with his family that night? The Hard Rock Cafe.


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