Just Clearing My Head


Sunday, January 29, 2012


It was a passage I had read a long time ago and for the years since have been trying to remember how and where to find it. It was strength in a moment that I desperately needed it, a shot in the arm when my own supply was flaccid, prostrate. But I have never been able to find it.

And last night, I get so nervous about failure. As though I have to somehow be the only human being that never missed an IV. And so of course then the thought becomes, maybe this really just isn't the right choice for you, to be so nervous. And an internal battle ensues, my thoughts vascillate; nothing great comes without sacrifice! you have to get through hard things to get to the really good stuff. no, the stress is too much and I really won't like it anyhow. Back and forth until I had worked myself into nausea. And so I did what I always do when the world is too much and my thoughts too narrow; I went to bed. But not before reading the passage for the day, the fateful day, the tomorrow, from a book I got a ways back when I was navigating another hard time. And I opened the page to January 29, and so amazingly simply and beautifully, it was there.

There is no quibbling now, I thought. To quibble now is hubris. How quickly I forget who I'm working for.

I am thy shield. Have no fear. You must know that "All is well." I will never let anyone do to you both, other than My Will for you.
I can see the future. I can read men's hearts. I know better than you what you need. Trust Me absolutely. You are not at the mercy of Fate, or buffeted about by others. You are being led in a very definite way, and others, who do not serve your purpose, are being moved out of your Path by Me.
Never fear, whatever may happen. You are both being led. Do not try to plan. I have planned. You are the builder, not the Architect.
Go very quietly, very gently. All is for the very best for you.
Trust me for all. Your very extremity will ensure My activity for you. And having your foundation on the Rock -- Christ, Faith in Him, and "being rooted and grounded in Him," and having belief in My Divinity as your Corner Stone, it is yours to build, knowing all is well.
Literally, you have to depend on Me for everything -- everything. It was out of the depths that David cried unto Me, and I heard his voice. All is well.


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