Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I Miss You Already.

"Well, it's midnight, let's do this."

You reluctantly got up and I followed. Your eyes wouldn't meet mine and we joked about how Vic had decided to just walk in, the words we both wanted to say hanging heavy in the air much like the fog outside your window. Pounding like a tribal drum beat in my temples, out the door, down the stairs, just keep it together. Just twenty feet more.

Stood in the kitchen putting on my coat and you finally looked up at me. Tried to force a smile but it wouldn't come, tried to hide the desperation in my eyes but could feel that it wasn't working. You pulled me close to you, and amid passionate kisses you paused and opened your mouth to speak.

"Don't say goodbye to me," I uttered before the words escaped your lips. A hand in my hand, a gaze cutting through my brain stem, a lump where a heart should be. Elephant on my chest. You ran your hand through my hair one more time and I knew it was then or never, so I reached for the door handle. Eyes locked. "I....,,,," but it trailed off.

"Don't go crazy," followed by that laugh that says you're already there. Out the door. Down the steps. Jeff Tweedy's voice reverberating from the speakers, "what was I thinking when I let go of you?" two thin spider threads creeping down my cheeks. The drive home but it feels like I'm in Siberia, the streetlights seemed so unnecessary just to illuminate this cutting world.


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