Just Clearing My Head


Monday, October 24, 2005

I dunno.

So, I'm tired of taking headshots of women who are incredibly self-conscious. My last client was self-conscious to such a degree that it took me about twenty minutes of throw away shots to get her just to relax in front of the camera. Ryan wasn't even anywhere in earshot, it was just her and me. I want to be like, "look man, whatever guy you want to look good for has ugly genitals. Your pinky toe contains more beauty than that guy's genitals. Think about that."

Would that be wrong?

I kid, of course. But she had on pink editor pants and pink fluffy sweaters and high cheekbones and great skin and she just kept saying, "ugh, can you edit these?!?!?" Dude, jesus. You're beautiful. C'mon. It's just a picture. This is what you look like. What does it matter....

Maybe I'm jaded. It's so easy when you're behind the camera and not in front of it.


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