Just Clearing My Head


Friday, October 07, 2005

Like This

The house is on fire. There are five days left to live like this, and we'll soak it up like madmen in the desert, desperate for the first thing that looks liquid. The house is on fire and we fan the flames, work the bellows, this will keep burning, this will keep burning. Our cloaks are soaked with the blood from the days that we used to carry daggers underneath; clytemnestras angry at the world, angry at not being loved, at a thousand and one things that have withered and died. Those days are over now. We keep rolling, it all keeps rolling. Nothing to fear and nothing to hide. She used to say, "we're all just skeletons on the inside!" and that skeletons like, most of all, to dance. We will dance these five days until our feet are worn down to stumps and the house is totally engulfed.


  • At 1:28 PM, Blogger bava said…

    So have you ever gotten up all early to go to school, only to find that there is like, a gajillion feet of snow and ice in front of your door, and school is cancelled. Did you celebrate? Did you call all your friends and proclaim the awesomeisity of such an event?

    And have you ever, on such a day, gone to the cupboard to pull out the can of hot cocoa? You know, the powdered, sweetened chocolate with the little marshmallows that retain their form for a brief moment before they turn into an ectoplasmic white goo? (The Japanese call this "ah-wah-ray".) Upon opening that chocolatey cupboard, have you ever been dismayed to find that all the chocolate has been eaten by a wild band of pygmy monkeys that moved in overnight, and who proceed to take over your house?

    Do you have knowledge of the joyous horror of being snow-trapped in a house with no hot chocolate and a band of pygmy monkeys?

    Do you like fritos?

    I ask because all of these experiences are very much like reading our new comic.

    La Casa Comics is low in calories, and we promise marshmallows that will retain their shape indefinately (due to undisclosable chemical compounds *patent pending*).

    Read it, before the pygmy monkeys come.


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