Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Get Up

Mind gets saturated at times, with the barren downtrodden junk sick dawn they (the ambiguous evil) try to stuff your life with. Shiny car ads and cheap plane tickets, 401K and a good mortgage rate, you should be going somewhere, seeing people, doing something. "She was a kid from the neighborhood," I don't know why I scour down each and every action, why I continually run things through that litmus test. "I could be something more" when you don't even know how you'd define that. It is harder, as you age, to remember that the things that bother us don't last. To remember what does last.

Dreams and aspirations become the remainder of the things you've done in your life that you've tolerated, or could see yourself falling into. A coiling miasma of what you thought you could endure. Time to change that, time to change things. When you start to doubt yourself, the real world eats you alive. And you know it's true. The ones who don't do anything are always the ones who try to put you down and you could spend your entire life walking around in that nowhere land of self doubt. If you think you've got 100 years to mess around, you're wrong.

Stop living as though in the future everything will work out and you will simply have made all the right decisions, and will be happy. Don't forget about the organ-stop, the ant hill. The point is to keep learning, to keep growing. The future doesn't exist and if you keep planning your life as a function of what you will one day achieve you'll never be able to enjoy what you actually have.

Internal critic: shut the fuck up.
Fortitude: come out and play. Together we are what we can't be alone.


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