Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Dedication.

I used to look forward to the Friday nights so much. There are times in your life that are simply magical, and there is no other way to describe it than that. I would get the first call at around five, and if it was after that I would get anxious. By the time she'd show up it was near half time and the jack and coke would flow like water. There is a deep, deep love that I have for you, and I keep it like a secret. There is no one else in the world that I would rather have on my A team, because of everything. Because you don't think it's sin, and instead of judging me you helped me get rid of the one and told me to call the other to come over. For everything. I think now that I understand a little bit better, the need to hold onto each second even though you know it's fleeting. Even though some part of you knows that it is folly. But you know what? It's not. Life is solitary moments strung together and there is nothing for it but to go balls to the wall. I wouldn't trade the heartache and I know you wouldn't either. The world breaks everyone, Anne. Some grow stronger at the broken places.

Thank you for that.


  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger porfiry said…

    I cannot imagine what life would have been had I entered it without you. Everyday, honestly, everyday I wake up so grateful to be sharing this existence with you, my comrade! You fuel the fierceness in my heart, kid, you really do.

    Church on Thanksgiving and afterwards Welcome and then lets have Mimosas at the Ponderosa and write our own prayers of Thanksgiving to the Gods who have blessed us so. :)


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