Just Clearing My Head


Saturday, July 26, 2008


There is nothing noble about entering into change, or heroic about emerging from it. Time moves only in one direction.

When I run at night I think about what she might be doing at that moment, on duty. I wear her tshirt from OSP and think about how she must have sounded, yelling her loud lion roar, being totally invincible. The running becomes easier. My mind strays and I feel powerful, for a rare moment. I make people get out of my way when I'm running, I play a mean game of chicken and I never lose at it. "You are a freight train and you don't stop for anyone," I hear in my head. Some of the best advice ever given.

There is no room for weakness. Half-heartedness does not reach into majesty. No in between. You either do, or you don't. I'm tired of the mobius strip in my head. Doesn't have the right images. Or the right words. I should have more confidence than this.

You don't get out of the way for anyone. It doesn't matter that things aren't different right now. They will be.


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