Just Clearing My Head


Thursday, January 18, 2018


There was a fire going, already, as if it would be any other way. And I told the story and of course there is wine and a spirit of collusion and an are there really people in the world like that, and what is wrong with me for how I feel and where my thoughts go. Stop stop stop of course they will live forever. How is it possible for reality to be any other way? You are going to be torn asunder. You thought your sanity was paper thin now. Stop it. You would mortgage your own future with that way of thinking. The end of a bloodline.

In this life, there are some people with 10 gallon hearts. These people are hard to come by, and over time they learn to protect that 10 gallon bucket and it is not so easy to enter. If you find that one of these 10 gallon people has opened their heart to you, that is sacred and you have to protect that with everything that you have available to you. The vast majority of the world is content with a pint-sized heart, and so you need to understand how important this is. If you put your wishes and your sanity before everyone else's there is nothing wrong with that but understand that you have a pint-sized heart. Do you see what I mean? Unexpectedly rare. Cherish those people while you can.


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