Just Clearing My Head


Thursday, December 16, 2004


The dark night encompasses me, surrounds the truck cab with a blanket of heaviness. Aside from the occasional glint of a watchful deer's eyes to the side of the road, only two headlights cut through the sea of midnight. Not even the farmers send out their late night trawlers any longer; winter has come, and Ohio has begun its hibernation.

A quiet moment -- the smile as bright as my headlights, the smile that cuts through any uncertainty. "Well," she thinks as she peeks out of the corner of her eye, "I shall have my slice of hibernation this night, too."

I am not sure yet, how to bridge the here to there.
I am certain that it's worth a try.


  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger bava said…

    Did you create this work of art that verily impresses me? Verily, I say. I'm glad to hear your hopeful tone. Life's full of wonderful possibility.

  • At 4:02 PM, Blogger euc said…

    I'm glad you mentioned that! I meant to "sign" it. It was done by Gris Grimly, an insanely talented artist... I found out about him last week, when I acquired a book of four of Poe's stories, all of which are marvellously illustrated by Mr. Grimly. His work, well, it astounds me the way that Tim Burton's does. Equisite horror, you know?

    You can see more at: www.madcreator.com


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