Just Clearing My Head


Friday, December 03, 2004

Just For A Minute.

Because we take our defeats, and stack them up like cord wood, one on top of the other, until the only existent entity is this self-inflicted labyrinth. We cavort wildly against ourselves on the inside, like Catholics standing behind closed doors in burlap sacks, whipping themselves with birch branches. I listen to the pulsing music, “was an honest man…” envisioning the halls of honor, great and white, marble, another time and place. The many lives that we lead. My heart has closed itself, it will never fall in love! My eyes will appear slate grey to you any time that I am not wearing blue, the chameleons. I am far too old; too old.

Today my bones are weary, and even the sunshine burning through the clouds to the south does not invigorate. It is stormy to the north; a tumultuous sky full of gun metal sprawls like a leviathan staking its claim above the rows of so many sleepy houses, and it does little but inspire wickedness. My brow is furrowed, there is no touch that would satiate; my muscles churn with lactic acid. Tonight I will retreat into a fortress, whose walls will echo with the self-conscious laughter of an idiot. O humans! Intellect! How you revile us, assail us with a barrage of second guessing, mental clue finding, schizophrenia. I have beached myself upon the shores of these flights of fancy; the waves of carrion no longer reach even my toes, and these are hardly suggestions.

The Dawns are heartbreaking. Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter: sharp love has swollen me up with heady langours.


  • At 1:52 PM, Blogger Daniel said…

    hey euc! how euc doing? this is Daniel, Ahniwa's pal. i just wanted you to know that i am, from time to time, checking in on your blog (and prying into your life) and i've really enjoyed it. you've really got a groove going with your writing. keep it up. i've started writing more in the past few months (more than zero) and it feels great, feels right. i've got me own blog at danieltaom.blogspot.com. anyways, i love your stuff. have fun, and i wish you much better moods than today's! and good for you for avoiding Evercrack! yes, i'm even reading your comments. mwahahahaha!

  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger euc said…

    Ees so good to hear from you mang! I will most definitely be checking out your blog. It's funny, the other day I was talking with someone about "how small the world is," and I recounted the tale of how you and I met -- at the 41 bus stop across from Rainy Day. You had on that charlie brown sweater, and I remember thinking, "what an interesting fellow..." then we spent the bus ride talking about our respective desires to see china and russia.

    And then a few months later I met Ahniwa, and you were his roommate! Haha. Cool stuff :)

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear from you. Keep in touch, old chap! Hehe.....


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