Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Just So Random.

Ah, these states that are never named, these eminent positions of the soul, ah, these intermissions of the mind, ah, these miniscule failures!

Lucky to not be afraid of the healing process, to appreciate the raw along with the tough. To not pretty up or hide the ugly emotions in the name of being strong. To not disdain weaknesses as anathema, and also not to revel in them, or find my identity in them. Balance in all things.

Hey, how could I have gotten so lucky? Thank you for listening to my heart palpitations regardless of how frequently (or infrequently) they come. If I were Mike D and I was breaking it down in "dedication," I'd go: "This one is for... Lake Orion! Olympia Washington!" Seriously though. Those two guys rock.

Looking through the past I found something I wrote that I had forgotten about:
"Anyway, there's some amount of revolution going on here and [now.]
Good revolution.
Let's be good to each other...
no pretention
no blame,
two advocates for each other.
In a years' time we'll look back on the us of today and shed tears of happiness for the strength that we had for ourselves."

And I think we've done swimmingly. Hey, when we get to the year marker I'll buy you's a beer but you'll have to order since I speakee no frenches.

Life is not always pleasing, but it is always a thing of beauty.


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