Just Clearing My Head


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Brain Blips

I realized this morning that I have this strange dualistic stream of consciousness constantly in my head. On one hand I'm a grumpy old bastard. On the other hand this human experience fills me with inexplicable joy -- even thinking about Ian fills me with a deep and beautiful sadness that I would have to admit makes me feel warm more than it makes me feel cold. Although I have no way to explain this. Anyway, I wanted to make a list of my curmudgeon's arguments/peeves, in order to satiate her.

  • People who cross the cross walk at a diagonal (leaving the cross walk entirely) to more quickly get to their car/store, thus taking at least twice the time it normally takes to cross. Especially at an intersection when people are trying to make right turns before the light changes.
  • People who hover around the "secret santa" trees in stores during the holiday season so that everyone around is fully aware that they're helping the needy. Especially when they give you the shifty eye because most of the time you dress like a hobo. (There is nothing wrong with dressing like a hobo. I don't usually smell.)
  • Feeling less and less worthy as a human being the longer I go without gainful employment.
  • The way all of our lives are guided by MONEY. It makes me want to puke. It's so arbitrary and MADE UP. And I will have to get another job that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with me because of it! I would like to build a giant house with a thousand rooms. I would open the doors to anyone who didn't smell too bad and was clean and sober and respectful of those around them. People should look after each other more, I think.
  • How on ebay the stuff you want to buy always sells for waaaay more than you had hoped, and the stuff you want to sell always sells for waaaay less than you had hoped. What the fuck is that about.
  • Men in portraits who make the macho face. It doesn't look tough, really. It looks self-conscious. And secretly we laugh at you when we edit them. >:)
  • Old bastards who get copper roofs put on their damn houses. Copper roofs are not for the evil of heart. They are for the wicked cool. I may have to take it upon myself to redistribute some wealth. I always thought a copper roof would look bad ass on pleasant st.
I guess that's it. I'll do a list to vindicate the other half one of these days as well.


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