Just Clearing My Head


Friday, December 09, 2005

How Many Street Fights?

Today I was in the video store trying to pick out a rental. I looked at the cover of Knockaround Guys and realized that I was wearing the exact same outfit that Vin Diesel is. Except my coat was Mountain Hardwear and his was leather. I felt pretty cool regardless.

Somebody help me figure out how to get Anne to write a novel. Maybe the threat of physical violence would work.... although she seems to live under the delusion that she could be me up. I've got, like, 100 lbs on her so whatever.



  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger porfiry said…

    You do not have 100 lbs on me you crazy, and also, I have two demented attack cats who I been starving for weeks. They hungry and they got the smell of you and your dog.


  • At 3:18 PM, Blogger Howling Monkey said…

    There will be seven "demented attack cat" free days in December when young Porfirius will be unable to escape our combined brawn, and tactics of "persuasion." Ha Haahh!


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