Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Give 'Em The Boot

It comes from laziness, mostly, I think. It's scary to try something new and you have to jolt yourself out of normalcy, I think it has to be born of catharsis. You wonder if you'll starve to death and how you'll pay the bills but you also don't want to prove how fabulous and excellent life should be, and why is that? That part I don't understand.

What was I getting at, anyway.

Last night I watched a movie that Tim Armstrong made during one of their tours, but it wasn't just Rancid, it was a ton of neat bands. So I'm watching and there's this clip of them on a boat, and he panned over and there's M.C. A standing there! So I said, "Say what!" Later they were playing basketball and there's Adrock. So, apparently, the Beastie Boys hang out with Rancid, and it really just doesn't get any cooler than that. My thoughts are smoke rings being obliterated by the slightest breeze.


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