Just Clearing My Head


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Long Gone Days

I heard that name again, same context. They were talking about all the school shootings so recently in the news, how scary this one face was, how it was the face that would surely be in the news with a similar headline one day. We think, we think,
we think ourselves into these teensy little boxes.

It will be the one you least expect. And perhaps that's the crux of the whole thing, though; that you're expecting one.

qwe. Who ultimately decided how keys would be aligned on a keyboard the way that they are, and why?

It's Saturday night, it's the night of the homecoming dance at Oberlin High School. School on Friday was pregnant with that heavy expectation of something magical just around the corner. "I will fall in love," I heard two lips whisper somewhere near the chem lab. I turned around and there was no one, but I found myself standing in front of where Anne and my lockers used to be. "How many miles," I thought, "and here I am." It was a thought that instantly brought a smile to my lips for how beautiful things can be. And I will fall to my knees and bless life for how we are given a new beginning every single second, for the huge threshold that is our capacity for greatness. We are kilimanjaro.

It is not a journey of steps that gets you there.


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