Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Dream.

"Everything you need," he said, "I have already given to you."

We were walking on the golf course looking up and I wanted desperately to know how to soar like that. Overhead and about 200 feet up there were five humongous winged creatures, ragged wings like paper, so graceful. They were gliding so majestically and though their appearance should have been frightening for how dark and prehistoric they were, I wasn't afraid. I knew I could be up there with them but the series of steps that I was repeating that I thought would get me up there wasn't working. I looked back to my right but the man was gone. I closed my eyes. In my mind I was next to them, soaring, and when I opened them it was so. Instead of looking down I started asking questions. Somehow I knew that looking down would put me back on the earth.

"Don't you ever have self-doubt?"

The answer was a smile that radiated out and instantly made me feel the absence of anything like self-doubt.

"We need to make a stop here." It wasn't one of them who said it to me, it was a non-verbal communique that seemed to come from all of them. We were in front of a church and all of a sudden I was alone again. "My father's house," is what I keep hearing echoing around in my head, in someone else's voice. I looked to the top of the church and there was a huge hand overhead, open, golden, palm down. Protection.

All of a sudden I was under a cobblestone bridge with a terrified young boy who was my servant. I wanted him to apply the same amount of care and compassion to his own life that he was trying to apply to mine. He was bringing me a clay vessel full of water but his own thirst was causing him to fall. "Drink without passion," I said to him. "Drink because you need to, because it has to be a part of you." He drank the vessel down and wept, and looked both terrified and full of joy. Some water spilled from the vessel and caused the river to surge up next to him but it didn't threaten him. He opened his mouth to speak,

and my alarm went off.

He is always with us, always. I feel so strongly about it now. And I want desperatly to return the favor.


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