Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Not Even Wild Elephants

I had the most amazing dream last night. I will write about it when I get home because I have it all written down there and I'm losing the details.

Yesterday I went to the station to talk to the chief about doing my EMT schooling early, since I have the summer off. I took him the paperwork for the class I found and said, "I know this is outside the realm of normalcy, but I'd really like to get this knocked out during the summer when I have so much time. I am willing to pay for it myself, or wait to be paid for it until I prove that I'm going to be sticking around here for awhile."

He looked at me and laughed. "I have a pretty strong feeling that wild horses couldn't drag you away at this point."

So May 27th I'll be in EMT school! Also, we had a call last night to an MVA that really wasn't too bad, we cleared in around 15 minutes. When we got back to the station we all milled around for awhile (9 A-shifters showed up to the call, it was sweet) and as people were leaving one of my LTs told me to stick around because he had something for me. I followed him out of the bay to his truck and he reached in on the passenger's side. He pulled out a pair of extrication gloves and told me to try them on. They fit perfectly and he told me that they were mine. "Put 'em in your bunker pants. It'll make next monday a lot easier."

I work on the greatest department in the world.


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