Just Clearing My Head


Friday, January 23, 2009

My Favorite Mistake.

So, we were up until like forever and by the end of it I was just standing there, looking at him unable to offer any advice that would do any real good. He was crying, talking about how limited he feels his future is, and all I could think to myself was Jesus get me out of here. Haven't I been here before? I had brought out all my big guns for that, and he was still spiraling down down down. We are the masters of the universe.

I am extraordinary.

I always seize the day.

The universe treats me as special.

God supports me in all I do.

Everything that happens to me happens for a good reason.

I always find a way to appreciate and perfect every moment of life.

I magnetically attract the life I want.

It is like me to be a champion in life.

I am going to feel supremely happy regardless of anything else going on around me.


  • At 4:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Words to live by!

    I'm sorry that he continues to want to bring you down with his shit. We get out of life what we put into it. No one can expect to get much out if they aren't willing to do the work. We either choose to walk around as victims or we man-up and handle our lives.

    You are FABULOUS!


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