Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


He whispers it so sweetly into my ear, I want to grab onto it and hold it forever when it comes out, the way that it makes me feel inside, to be able to bury that somewhere deep within and go back to it later, alone. To examine. And it's always when I'm wrapped up in those massive arms, chest so wide that I can burrow my whole entire self within the space, and his arms all the way wrapped around me, God but to accept that this is what I deserve. "Baby," he says, and I am weaker than I have ever been. Fragile but there are those giant arms around me and the way you smell and how I can never breathe enough of it in. And that he looks at me and what I see in that green grey slate is that he knows he deserves it too. What a difference.


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