Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

One Big Psych Experiment

Awake this morning at 630, all of the body is wondering, wondering, wondering. Hoping. The news. "Undecided."

Ballot issue one has found refuge in the constitutions of 11 states. I live in one of these states. I realize the mindset of the country that I'm living in suddenly, like a sledgehammer cracking my head open and pouring the information in like so much hot lava. Rage to the point of prostration.

It smells like cat shit in this room in which I find myself typing. This whole country smells like cat shit.

We are lying to ourselves, constantly. Any bigoted midwesterner who voted for the "sanctity of marriage" and wears an XXL sweatshirt with the good ol' starts and stripes emblazoned across the chest, is lying. Or perhaps that's too strong of a word; misguided probably fits better. Though some part of me believes that this concept [and liberty and justice for all, remember?!?!?! The free pursuit of happiness...] is so base, so rudimentary, that the self righteous ones are simply playing dumb and hoping that it [rampant ignorance] will sweep the country, and people will forget that the bible has no place, whatsoever, in government. And look how fast this epidemic of idiocy is taking hold! Has it always been this way?!! Stop living out your stupid little fucking closed minded idea of how the world would be if you were king for a day. Think about why this mother fucking joke of a country (now) was founded. Ha ha! Wringing the rage out of my skin, kids, don't worry [too much] about my head-space.

My deepest apologies to the statue of liberty, on behalf of the country as a whole, but not at its request. So far from the ideals scribed at her sturdy feet. We ought to change it, we ought to stop pretending that we stand for something more than Wal-Mart and an unending supply of the black gold. Let's change it to "give us your closed-minded, mouth-breathing gin sots, the ones who think that Vegas is high class, the ones who think that the international dick-waving can be defined as culture, the xenophobes. The vitriolic pontificators. We have a bunch more people to piss off, and too many liberals foaming at the mouth about 'fairness.' Give us your rabid religious fanatics."

Got to spread lovin' before the world goes cuckoo! I am so incredibly afraid that it's too late.

If you live in America and didn't vote yesterday, you need to start packin'. Especially if you live in a swing state and supported Kerry, or at least, didn't approve of Bush. You don't have the right to be ambivilent in this country anymore. Too much hinges upon what one wing-nut in the wrong place can do to this country. There is no room for mouth-breathers. If you don't care about the issues, or voting, or think that your vote doesn't count anyway, then go and really live on an island on your own, end the facade of helplessness.

Ohio, you glow foreign and lonesome in my homesick eye.


  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger bava said…

    As I cast my vote yesterday, I found myself wishing that I'd remained registered in Ohio to vote absentee, as though my one extra vote might have swayed the decision. Frankly, I'm flabbergasted. I thought ... well, I won't get into it.

    It's nice to live in a fairly liberal state, but I would die to live in a non-conservative, non-rightwing-extremist, non-hardcore-religious country. I thought it might happen, but I begin to think I may have to move away if I want change.

    I realize today that the country's become a stranger to me (or has always been one).

  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    For the left, sadly, ideology=religion. For the left, adherence to a godly view of marriage, protecting the unborn, proclaiming one's faith in public . . . these are the marks of the unenlightened.

    Politically, I am heartened by the fact that the left still doesn't get it. I am happy for them to cling to outmoded political and social thought. As long as they do, they will remain out of power and be increasingly less relevant.


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