Just Clearing My Head


Monday, November 29, 2004

Si Jetais Diable!

Woke up this morning thinking, “si jetais dieu, tout la journee j’me chanterais…” (I am sure that’s been butchered to hell and back. Perhaps ahniwa will assist?) Music is like a direct link to our consciousness at times, a little piece of a once significant melody can so easily jolt one back to another time and place, and often to such an acute degree that the corollary smells and emotions are queued up, too. What a powerful mnemonic device.

Back to the Dalai Lama’s book:

Human beings all share a similar quest to have the most basic needs fulfilled: compassion, safety, acceptance. We must relate to each other with the understanding that we all have these goals, liminal or subliminal, in common. First and foremost. Wall-building, ego posturing, etc, only hinder the pursuit of these things. Ahhhhhh, blech. All of this talking, and what’s really being said? Trying to bridge the gap between theory and practice! I am lucky to have people in my life who fight doggedly to help safe guard my level of consciousness. Feeling like that half-boy at times, and I hope that I will not offend. [As long as I learn I'll make mistakes.] What will emerge, once the surface of the water calms?

And by the way thank you
for keeping your face hidden--
I can hardly bear the beauty of this world.


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