Just Clearing My Head


Friday, September 21, 2007

Dropkick Murphys

As soon as the Horrorpops went on I knew that I needed to be in the pit for DKM. The leading lady snapped the first note on her stand-up bass and this huge wave of energy and vigor surged forth fifteen feet to my left, the dead center of the floor area, and I knew I had to get over there. I turned around to Ryan wide-eyed and exclaimed, "I'm going in there!" and he just laughed and smiled.

The Agora doesn't have seats. It doesn't have much, actually, other than a continual supply of beer and a stage. It was seemy, dank, and smelled like old cigarettes. It was the perfect venue to hear the Dropkick Murphys play, and by the time the opening band the Horrorpops came out, it was packed with around 500 swarthy red-cheeked Irish punkers. There was an energy in the air, an excitement that made my breath quick and my feet eager. The Horrorpops were on their last song. I had to move closer!

The crowd was thick, shoulder to shoulder. Everyone was singing along, fists raised into the air, mouths smiling wide. I pushed and squirmed my way forward until I was standing on the edge of the pit. There was heat radiating out, and I had no idea how to jump in. It was a throng of arms and legs and sweaty torsos, it smelled like pure testosterone and adrenaline. As I stood on the side trying to time a leap in, an arm pushed into my back and swoosh! The pit had me. It's hard to describe what it's like. You can't move for yourself, everyone around you decides how you're going to move. It's not a scary experience though. It's something like what I imagine those ropes courses are like. It's a pretty incredible experience, to assign your trust away like that. At one point I got knocked over and immediately there were 8 pairs of arms grabbing me to pull me back to my feet. It was amazing. We danced, stomped, screamed, cheered, pushed, and otherwise burned upwards of 3,000 calories while DKM raged five feet in front of us. I was drenched 3 songs in. It was hot and smelled like strength. We did the Spartan battle cry. It was amazing! They played the Auld Triangle and the guy in front of me turned around and grabbed onto my hand and we stood like that, screaming the lyrics together, free arms raised into the sky as fists hammered the beat into the sweat stained air. The next song was to be the last and he pushed me forward, and one of the bouncers asked me if I wanted to go on stage.

"HELL YEAH!!!" A hoarse voice that I didn't recognize as my own screamed out. The next thing I knew there were two meaty hands under my arms and I was propelled up and forward, on a straight path for the stage. I stood up and there were 20 or so other people around me, I don't think any of us could believe it. I was ecstatic. What an amazing show. Best $22 ever spent!
all of my dreams seem to fall by the side
like a discarded thought or the day's fading light
but I know that if I could just see you tonight forever
at times we may fall, like we all tend to do
but I'll reach out and find that I've run into you
your strength is the power that carried me through forever

Your kindness for weakness I never mistook
I worried about you often,
yet you understood that life is so fleeting,
these troubles won't last forever
inspired me truly you did from the start
to not be afraid and to follow my heart
there's a piece of you with me they can't tear apart forever

Forever I'll find you, forever we'll be
Forever your power and strength stays with me
next time you'll be there


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