Just Clearing My Head


Monday, May 12, 2008

Precipatum, Lupi.

I don't think that you understand.

You sink down into it, a little more every day. You try to stay busy so you don't have to think about it but that voice on the phone "I just wanted to hear your voice" makes you feel the futility of that deep down-going and yet somehow you can't avoid it. I wish we could erase all of this, everything that has passed between us. How different my life would be.

It still can be, just don't lose sight. A dark night, a night of stones and branches obscuring your way.

Saint John of the Cross, in the darkness of your worst moments, when you were alone and persecuted, you found God. Help me to have faith that God is there especially in the times when God seems absent and far away. Amen


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