Just Clearing My Head


Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Start.

warm air and the smell of cigarettes,
early summer evening feel of alcohol buzz wearing off
like someplace more exotic than this,
like spending the late afternoon drinking rum drinks in a pool at a rental house.

like spending the whole summer like that.

it is november and the last warm spell clings greedily to the calendar
we don't have the pool but the long shadows cast by a heavy sun bring the same ease
it is all that i care about, that she understands me and i her.
the same bends on the same jog at night down the same old neighborhoods.
everything else in this life will change, but not that.


  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger porfiry said…

    What else can I say but that every day lived at your side is an honor and I am grateful for each moment. I am the luckiest for having been born as your twin.


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