Just Clearing My Head


Monday, June 09, 2008

Sing Loud, Sing Proud

I just wanted to say,
Thank You for being in my life, for always being there with the right thing to say and the right mental attitude. Every time I hear your voice on the radio I grin and I think about the thundercats, how we used to think we could transfer our energy to each other like they could. Truth is I still believe we can do that. When I'm 30 feet in the air on a ladder and have to climb off onto a roof with all my gear on and an axe in one hand, my knees don't shake because I picture you doing in-and-outs, running for six miles yelling cadence, really knowing in some deeply seated place that you're invincible. I think about that and I feel it too.

Thank the gods that I did whatever I did in a previous life to have been born with one so strong.


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