Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Green Lights All The Way Home

Sneaking up and overtaking me. Limbs entwined there are moments when I can't tell which arm is mine, if it's my heart beating so fast. He looked at me last night and said, do you want to take this to the next level, and I had no idea what he meant and the clarification made me weak and soft and safe and warm. "Like, be... like, a couple. Just you and me, together." And of course, of course, of course. And his arms encircling and a nervous joke and a blissful sigh, contentment. And 4:30 and I wonder if he had slept at all because when the alarm woke me his fingers were still running through my hair, tied up like concentric pretzels. This is so good. For this moment, I am very thankful.

In other news, Kristin and Leah let go of a charged hoseline Friday night under Sue's supervision. They were trying to fight a dumpster fire and I can't imagine that it was larger than an inch and three-quarters, which is the standard size hose you pull for any of the actual FIREFIGHTING duties to which we are tasked. The size that is expected for one person to handle in actual structure fires. The size that I HAVE handled by myself in actual structure fires. Well, the two of them let it go (couldn't handle it) and subsequently sprayed some of the on-lookers, one of whom recorded the fiasco and supposedly has put it on youtube. It sort of makes me want to throw in the towel because I feel like the dept. is such a joke at this point, but god damn if I will let them get to me like that. But, the light is pretty much green now. I used to just ignore them but I think I need to take a different tack. It has been around 2 years for Kristin and she's no bigger now than she ever was. It's not dress-up we're playing. Get your body ready to handle the job that YOU SIGNED UP FOR, or GTFO. It's bad for all of us but I feel like I have more of a stake in the game, them being female. I'll be damned if Chief has to ring the doorbell at 44 colony because your useless ass was my backup and you can't even hardly support an airpack, let alone do actual work.


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