Just Clearing My Head


Thursday, January 26, 2006

In response to Anne.

1. My relationship hangs by a thread. I think of ending it at least once a week. It's quite manic.
2. I really like alcohol.
3. I am insecure around really feminine women.
4. If my high school boyfriend were 18 and out of school, I would really consider going to a movie with him or something.
5. The main reason I like to hang out with Terri is because of the gossip. She rules, don't get me wrong, but she is gossip central.
6. On one hand I think I have ridiculously high expectations of relationships, and on the other hand I think I'm a fool for believing that I shouldn't.
7. I hide my occasional smoking from everyone but my family and Terri.
8. I sweat easily and a LOT.
9. I have wanted to lose about 20 lbs for basically my whole life.
10. I am the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.

[extra] 11. I actively avoid any contact with friends/acquaintances from high school. I resort to snubbery even.


  • At 12:47 AM, Blogger Howling Monkey said…

    HA! We both did an extra one. That's funny.

  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger porfiry said…

    Right now I am eating a stale bagel that I microwaved to bring back to life and then spread frozen chunks of cream cheese on it. It's disgusting. Your response to my challenge made it all okay, though.



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