Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

To Juxtapose.

So many of these innumerable little things and I have to tell them to you in some form, in some way. It would be folly to say that any of us know where this might lead but without trepidation I can move confidently toward that thing we all aspire to (future) because I have learned something. And taken it with me.

To wait for someone who doesn't complete me, and I don't complete. To be complete and to find each other, two wholes.

Your hands and how they look like hard work and strength, and how they are the sexiest things I have ever seen.

How you open the car door for me every single time that I get in.

When we played paintball and that guy shot me in my mask after I was already out and how you made it your mission the rest of the time to annihilate him. How you are so protective of me, already. It's crazy to be with someone who really COULD take on all my battles for me, but understands the need for me to go guns blazin' myself.

The goosebumps and how you shared them with me and how vulnerable that is.

I was driving in my truck today and I had the Dropkick Murphys album "Sing Loud, Sing Proud," blasting. That song "Forever" came on and it instantly transported me to three years ago Wednesdays and dying of anxious anticipation waiting for a phone call at a high school soccer game and when it finally came, how absolutely effing proud I was to be your sister. And to realize that there is nothing in this life that can ever touch that, let alone change it. We were talking last night, he and I, about life and what the best times are. And I said for me that it's this. Now. I have the best people in my life that I have ever had, and I'm close to my whole family. I have friends that I would sacrifice everything for and be weak OR strong for, and vice versa. Life has never been better than it is right now, even if it's not all tidy and complete yet. But is it ever? To think about how lucky I am. For everything. Even the road to my regret. Sometimes you didn't learn it well enough the first time. I will be 31 in a few weeks' time and I have never been happier. That is something! Thank God for this journey and putting the people in my path that he did.


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