Just Clearing My Head


Monday, August 16, 2004

Breakin Beats

I was at the mall in Strongsville watching the young couples go past. The misrepresentation of the female gender. Pat made the comment, "it's weird that it's fashionable now for women to look trashy."


I don't like to use my blog as a means for direct communication, but here goes. Hey Ahniwa. Wassup. I just read your blog, and I wanted you to know that you don't have to read the things here as though I'm writing about/to/in reaction to you. That's it, that's my rhyme.

Except really this is:

Everyday I sit, while my n**** be in school,
thinkin' about the second album at the dungeon shootin pool,
like e.s. to the p.n.,
cause we just to the be in the zone,
honey i'm home,
but i'm not married
a lot of problems 'round being frustrated,
and now i'm sitting at the end of the month I just made it
like you make the B team,
or like your daddy's wife be making the coffee,
you heard that h-e-l-e-s,
so back the hell up off me...
[can't get it out of my head]


  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger bava said…

    from Porfiry:

    "i don't want to be your flippy-haired muse, i don't want to mystify you with my ice-blue not so much like a latte eyes."

    I guess I took that as something of a direct, negative conotation to something I wrote. I never did specify hostility coming from you.

  • At 2:02 PM, Blogger porfiry said…

    have you never quoted a source to illustrate a point? let's pick this dialogue up out of the third grade and talk about what's really going on here. you are mad at euc, and are funneling your anger through me. doing that is passive-aggresive and very transparent. stop communicating through this blog and call her. work your anger out in real-time.

    furthermore, your blog is a public forum. as is mine, as is euc's. if you post something that sparks a reaction in me, more than likely i'm going to post something in response. you have the choice to read it or to ignore it. i would hope that in the future, the option you choose is more responsible than putting euc in the middle by posting your reactions to what I write on her blog.

  • At 3:00 PM, Blogger bava said…

    Whoa! Hold on there.

    You reacted to my blog on your blog.
    I reacted to your reaction on my blog.
    It seemed that Euc thought I was reacting to Euc's blog, so I posted a comment on Euc's blog specifying that I was reacting to your blog.

    I'm not angry, really. But I feel attacked, and I feel hurt. I don't know why things got to this point. You may point out that yes, my last blog entry was angry, but in general I am not.

    I'm not looking for drama. If this ends now, I'd be more than happy.


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