Just Clearing My Head


Friday, June 24, 2005

Si J'etais Diable...

Sur les routes, par les nuits d’hiver, sans gîte, sans habits, sans pain, une voix étreignait mon Coeur gelé: "Faiblesse ou force, te voilà, c’est la force. Tu ne sais ni où tu vas ni pourquoi tu vas, entre partout, responds à tout. On ne te tuera pas plus que si tu étais cadavre." Au matin j’avais le regard si perdu et la contenance si morte, que ceux que j’ai recontrés ne m’ont peut-être pas vu.

This week it is taking all of my strength not to quit. All of my strength not to debilitate her with words. All of my strength to not lose the tenuous grasp I have on my quality of work. She's like a cancer. If we were on a pirate ship, a mutiny would be totally justifiable. A vote of no confidence. The crew does not trust your ability to steer us out of the storm, so we will do it ourselves. That's what you do with cancer, right? Cut it off, if you can. And we can.

Weapons. Destruction. A thousand images of horrific violence. Milk guy's gettin paid. The chip guy's gettin paid. The beer guy's gettin paid. They're ALL gettin paid, and she chooses ME to fuck with?



  • At 11:29 PM, Blogger bava said…

    You know, you really shouldn't end your threats with a preposition. How is anyone supposed to take you seriously as a legitimate tough guy if you don't talk so good? Next time, try, "... chooses to fuck with me!?"

    But if you want to be reeeeeally evil, then you should be more like me. 'Cause I'm just mean. ;)

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger euc said…

    Check out my photos at http://photos.yahoo.com/euc_lupine

    If I am willing to do this to a frog, who is cute and cuddly, just imagine what I am willing to do to YOU.

    You have been warned, Ferrari.


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