Just Clearing My Head


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Am I Crazy?

What a shitty 24 hours it's been. I think everyone around me is crazy, but I also think that's the first sign of madness, so there you go.

Yesterday the lady at the Board Office emailed me about doing her daughter's senior pictures that afternoon. It was a beautiful day and Ryan has Mondays off, so I was like, "let's do it!" Now, in her final email to me she said,

"I will have my daughter meet me at the office at 4, and we will go to Tappan Square."

That is all she said about location. Now, tell me if it's me, but given that sentence, would you (as the photographer) go to the office, or to the Square? We went to the Square. We stood at a vantage point where we could see the driveway of the office, and I never saw her car leave. So after 20 minutes of waiting, we left. In hindsight, perhaps I should have gone to the office, but I was in a different mindset. I was 100% sure she had intended to meet us at the square, so when they didn't show I figured something must have come up. It happens SO OFTEN when you shoot seniors, which is part of why I hate doing it. Of the shoots we schedule for seniors, 75% actually happen (show up,) and probably 20% are on time. The vast majority of those late are late by 10 minutes or more. I am tired of waiting for everyone else to get with the program!

So we went to the reservoir because the fall colors were really beautiful and we spent about 30 minutes there taking pictures. When we got home there were TWO really angry messages from this woman! "We're at the office, where are you???!!!!" OH MY GOD. Yeah, so that sucked.

THEN I woke up this morning and the new shirt I bought last night had been left on the chair in the living room in a crumpled pile and I had to iron it! How do you take YOUR stuff out of a hanger bag and store it properly away, and then leave the other person's stuff in a wrinkley pile?!?!! Am I the only person who understands the concept of common courtesy?

Ok, then I go downstairs and the front door has been left wide open all night and all of our camera gear is just 5 feet within the door on the bench in the lobby. I have no idea what series of events transpired that resulted in that happening. BUT THEN I get all my stuff and walk around to the driver's side of my car to get in, and the window has been left down. It has been raining all night. I was not the last one to drive the car. At this point, I am in the street audibly swearing. It is 6:55 in the morning. If there had been a little puppy running past, I would have smashed it.

This effing day better get moving on the right track SOON.


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