Just Clearing My Head


Thursday, November 15, 2007


He was nervous. The recruiter was standing directly in front of me and he was right behind, the wait for my computer to snap into action was agonizing as they were both staring at every little move I made. His movements were jerky and he kept asking silly questions. I'd never seen him nervous before. I couldn't even look at him. I wanted to send my heart with him; I was glad that earlier in the day I had slipped a note into his overnight bag like Mom and Dad used to do when they'd go away on vacation without us. "Be strong and kick ass. You are a warrior!"

The transcript finally printed and the pregnant silence turned into footsteps on tile as they walked out together. It's funny how you can grow to love people and not even realize it. I thought about August and how it's so far away but how it'll be here in an instant. I tried to stop my brain from thinking about where he'll be after the 18 weeks is over, but I couldn't stave it off. Marines go to Iraq. Will you be safe? His family is like ours; Irish, tight, full of love. I can't even imagine...

I only hope that it's not a decision born from desperation. May the gods watch over my loved ones with a ready sword!


  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger porfiry said…

    What is supposed to happen, will. That is the only solace I have found thus far. For the ones who are willing to dig deep, it is soothing. We are given what we need, and ours is not to question.

    He will find something that he didn't even know existed before. You will see him at the next Holiday Break and you will be impressed at the knowing behind his eyes. Through a mountain of bullshit he will find himself, and it will be something he will not be able to turn his back on ever again.

    How could such a thing possibly be bad?

    (We were lucky that we were born together and could escape such rites of passage.)


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