Just Clearing My Head


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thinking Back

I can't believe I skipped the entire month of December.

December was a rush of chaos and change, I think most of my energies went into keeping my head above water. January is a horizon of new beginnings that a year ago I would have never thought possible. Anne is done with the academy. Ryan's leaving for India in five days! Anne and I just bought the greatest house in Oberlin. I took my first fire test and I could be getting my own personal turn-out gear soon! Nothing happens to you in life that you don't first believe you're ready for.

These are the lessons that I took from 2007:

Ask for positive change, usher it in with every fiber of your being, and change will come.

Your body will do anything that your mind has decided it can do.

The love and support of family is more important than most things in life.

There will always be enough money. Worry about the good works you're doing instead.

Here's to hoping that 2008 will be another record breaker.


  • At 7:41 PM, Blogger porfiry said…

    I'll raise a glass to that!

    It is remarkable to look back and see just how far we've come.


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