Just Clearing My Head


Monday, November 08, 2004


Shhhh. Trying to calm my mind down again, to the state it was at two weeks or so ago. So much stimulus of late! Like a fletcher I try to gather all of the stray arrows, and hold them all together in my quiver. This endless task. The russians have a saying, "glaza razbegayetsa." Translated this means, "the eyes dart about in all directions." This saying cropped up at the end of the soviet era, when western goods and "culture" (I use the term loosely here) with all of its sensory overload made its way to Russia. Apparently the first utterance came from an old babushka, senses dull from the years of going without, upon her first visit to an American grocery store. The eyes! How they dart about! I am changing this saying for now, to suit my temperment: "mweesl razbegayetsa!" The thoughts dart about in all directions! Shhhh.

Rethinking atheism.

A faculty of awareness. It is the power to grasp, to find out, to discover that which is. It is not a power to alter or control the nature of its objects. (The faculty of perceiving that which exists.)

The primacy of existence.

Levels of consciousness. (?) Think logically. Ignore the post-modernist knee jerk that tells you not to ascribe delineations between things. On earth alone we see myriad examples of consciousness levels below our own human level. Look at the strata of the animal kingdom. (Compare a dolphin with a Great Dane -- or squirrel.) How can we be so pretentious as to assume that this human level of consciousness through which we operate is the crowning point of existent consciousness? The Everest? It is illogical to believe that we hold the cap-stone of consciousness. Epecially considering how tenuous this human brand can be.

Guard the mind, lest it become glazed and flaccid.


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